Join our first all-collaborative event March 15, 2022 from 2-3PM Eastern. It’s a chance to mingle, meet the Healthy Behavior Optimization for Michigan team, and identify challenges and opportunities around your organization’s tobacco cessation goals.

We welcome you—program managers from each of our partnering collaborative quality initiatives (CQIs), physician organization representatives, clinicians, site staff, and any key member working on the Tobacco Value Based Reimbursement (VBR) Initiative to register now. Folks who register by February 25, 2022 will be sent a special HBOM coffee hour treat and drink set.









Our 2023 Tobacco VBR Partners





2022 Tobacco VBR Partners: Logos of 9 partnering CQIs including MOQC, MEDIC, MUSIC, MROQC, MBSC, MSQC, MSTCS, MPOG and HBOM