HBOM Healthy Hub

High impact resources on 
 available for your healthcare organization

Low Carb Lifestyle Resources

HBOM partnered with MCT2D to create a robust collection of low carbohydrate (carb) lifestyle resources for patients with type 2 diabetes. Visit to find an interactive version of these resources or use the links below to download PDF versions.

Low Carb Lifestyle Getting Starting Booklet

This booklet contains all the information patients need to get started on a low carbohydrate lifestyle.

Low Carb Grocery Shopping List

Help your patients grocery shop for low carb foods to stock thier fridge and pantry.

Low Carb Cheatsheet

Patients can find carb content for common foods using this visual cheatsheet.

7-Day Sample Meal Plan

Here is a sample 7-day meal plan to get patients started on a low carb lifestyle. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals are listed below with total carbohydrate estimates.

Additional Low Carb Resources

Find more low carb lifestyle resources in the MCT2D resource Library

Cardiac Rehab Resources

HBOM partnered with MiCR to develop NewBeat, a multi-level intervention to increase enrollment in cardiac rehab. Download a selection of resources below or visit to learn more.

Cardiac Rehab 1-Pager

Share important information about the benefits of cardiac rehab, a getting started checklist, and links to find additional resources.

Available in English, Spanish, and Arabic.

Download and Print Cardiac Care Cards

These keepsake cards stand out from the standard surgical discharge paperwork. Inside are facts about benefits of cardiac rehab, a patient testimony about cardiac rehab recovery, and a place for the cardiologist to sign the card.

Cardiac Rehab 1-Pager

Share important information about the benefits of cardiac rehab, a getting started checklist, and links to find additional resources.

Available in English, Spanish, and Arabic.

Download and Print Cardiac Care Cards

These keepsake cards stand out from the standard surgical discharge paperwork. Inside are facts about benefits of cardiac rehab, a patient testimony about cardiac rehab recovery, and a place for the cardiologist to sign the card.

Cancer Nutrition Resources

HBOM partnered with MOQC to develop a set of cancer nutrition educational resources. You can download these resources below, or visit to learn more.

Dollar Store Round Up

Helpful tips for shopping for nutritious foods at the dollar store for patients undergoing cancer treatment.

High-Calorie High-Protein Meal ideas

Easy ideas for building nutritious meals for patients undergoing cancer treatment.

Budget Grocery Shopping List

A simple grocery shopping list for patients undergoing cancer treatment.

Easy Meal & Snack Ideas

Quick and easy ideas for nutritious meals and snacks for patients undergoing cancer treatment.

Tobacco Cessation Resources

We want to make offering tobacco cessation support easy
Explore and download the resources below.

Something missing? Let us know! We would love to work with you to develop something for your organization.

Nicotine Replacement Guide for Patients

A 1-page visual guide to nicotine replacement options and how to use them. Includes information for the MI Tobacco Quitlink. 

Available in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese.

Medication Options Card for Patients

A foldable card-sized visual guide of tobacco cessation medications. Includes information for the MI Tobacco Quitlink.

Available in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese.

Happy Lungs Poster

It’s never too late to quit smoking! A colorful 8.5″ x 11″ printable poster or handout with information for the MI Tobacco Quitlink.

Smell the Roses Poster

Give yourself more time to stop and smell the roses! A colorful 8.5″ x 11″ printable poster or handout with information for the MI Tobacco Quitlink.

Additional Tobacco Cessation Posters

Find more downloadable tobacco cessation posters designed by clinicians

Download and Print Guide

Need help printing these tobacco cessation resources? This guide will provide recommendations and download links.

Tobacco Cessation Resources

HBOM has curated a selection of state and national tobacco cessation resources. Click on an individual resource to find more information on what they offer and how to access services.