News & Updates
Protecting Access to Healthy Foods Through Medicaid In Lieu of Services
Tammy Chang, MD, MPH, MS, director of Healthy Behavior Optimization for Michigan (HBOM), co-authored a recent editorial in Bridge Michigan. Read below or find the original piece published December 19, 2024. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Yet only about 1...
Spring 2024 Updates from HBOM
Reconnect with our HBOM Quarterly Updates newsletter: Launching MOQC partnership Comfort Cuisine, celebrating 11.5K resources shipped to optimize cardiac rehab referrals, and a Jumpstart patient meets with DC legislators to ground food is medicine policies.
Introducing New Beat: A program to increase access to cardiac rehab
HBOM is proud to announce a new program to bolster successful referrals to cardiac rehabilitation in Michigan. The program is called New Beat and is culmination of a community of stakeholders who are committed to removing barriers to successful cardiac rehab adoption across the state.
New Beat is designed to deliver heartfelt, pragmatic support to new cardiac rehab patients. This new initiative combines HBOM’s participatory design methods and expertise in evidence-based behavior change strategies, with the goal of increasing enrollment in Michigan cardiac rehabilitation programs and reducing transportation barriers to some of the most underserved patients.
HBOM joint program with Shipt featured in EBT announcement
In a recent community press release, leading grocery delivery service provider Shipt gave a big mention to our joint grocery delivery program for patients with type 2 diabetes and food insecurity: Healthy Eating Jumpstart.
HBOM Partner: MOQC and a New Joint Program in Nutrition During Cancer Care
HBOM and MOQC are together again! In 2022, we tackled tobacco cessation together, with some custom tobacco cessation outreach materials designed to reach members of the oncology care community. Now in 2023-2024, the collaboration is back. Together, we will take...
January 2023 Newsletter
Welcoming 2023 with new tobacco cessation support materials in Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic—a new healthy eating blog with tips for how to eat healthy on the road and on a budget. Plus support for your VBR goals
New Healthy Eating Jumpstart Program protocol paper published in JMIR
The Healthy Eating Jumpstart program team recently published a protocol paper in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. Learn more about the pilot QI program pilot, which aimed to improve diet quality among people with T2D and food insecurity by using grocery...
HBOM Partner: The Michigan Cardiac Rehabilitation Network (MiCR)
Mike Thompson, PhD, MPH, Co-Director of the Michigan Value Collaborative and Co-Director of the Michigan Cardiac Rehabilitation Network (MiCR) at their Bi-Annual Meeting in October 2022. HBOM is proud to partner with the Michigan Cardiac Rehabilitation Network (MiCR)...
Launching our Quit Smoking Guide in Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese
Our popular Quit Smoking Resource Guide is now available in Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese. In 2022 as we launched our suite of tobacco cessation provider resources, we heard from you, our CQI partners, that translations were an important part of reaching your patient communities.
Download in Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese.